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Cartesi (CTSI)
Written by David
Updated over a week ago

Cartesi (CTSI) - The native cryptocurrency of the Cartesi platform that quickly adopts DApps.

  • Cartesi is a project in charge of solving scalability problems, but within decentralized applications.

  • Its specialization is through smart contracts, facilitating the adoption by developers and enterprises.

  • It was founded in 2018, so it already has extensive experience in the world of exchanges and Wallets.

Key Metrics Cartesi (CTSI)

Nombre de Token

Cartesi (CTSI)

Tipo de Token


Suministro Circulante Inicial

738,624,126 CTSI

Suministro Circulante Actual


Suministro Circulante Total


What is Cartesi (CTSI)?

Cartesi is a blockchain technology project that aims to solve scalability and accessibility issues in decentralized applications (DApps). They seek to combine off-chain computing with the security and transparency of blockchain.

This means heavy computations can be performed off-chain and only the results are stored on the blockchian, which helps reduce overhead and improve efficiency.

Cartesi was founded in 2018 by a team of developers and blockchain experts led by Erick de Moura. The main idea behind the Cartesi platform was to solve scalability and performance challenges in decentralized applications by allowing complex smart contracts to be executed outside the main blockchain.

In April 2020, Cartesi launched their initial token sale (ICO), where they raised around $1.5 million in ETH. During that time, they also established strategic partnerships with several companies and projects in the blockchain space.

In May 2020, Cartesi launched its mainnet (Mainnet) called Descartes. The Descartes network provides a platform where developers can build and run decentralized applications using conventional programming languages, such as C++. This facilitates the adoption and integration of developers with traditional programming experience.

Cartesi (CTSI): What makes you different and why invest?

One of Cartesi's distinguishing features is their focus on enabling the execution of complex, high-performance smart contracts. They use an architecture that allows smart contracts to be written in widely used programming languages, such as C++, which facilitates adoption by developers and enterprises.

Cartesi's native cryptocurrency is called CTSI. It is used as a medium of exchange on the platform and as an incentive for nodes involved in solving computational problems. CTSI is also used to pay transaction fees on the Cartesi network.

Cartesi has developed several strategic partnerships and has received investments from major companies in the blockchain industry. Its goal is to provide a robust infrastructure for mass adoption of DApps in various sectors, such as gaming, finance and machine learning.

As the Cartesi platform grew, so did the community behind it. Cartesi's native cryptocurrency, CTSI, began trading on several major exchanges in 2020, allowing users to buy, sell and trade CTSI.

Over the years, Cartesi has worked to improve and expand its platform, adding new features and functionality to drive adoption.

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