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KYC Verification Process
Hugo avatar
Written by Hugo
Updated over 2 years ago

Web Version

Below is a step-by-step KYC verification process that you will need to fully complete in order to activate all security levels of your TruBit Pro account.

  1. Enter the TruBit Pro website and log in with your account.

  2. Press the User Center icon.

  3. Press the ID Verification option.

  4. On the Identity Verification screen, you need to review the current features activated in your TruBit Pro account and all the requirements to pass Level 1 Verification.

  5. Click the Start Verification Lv 1 button.

  6. Immediately within the KYC Level 1 Identity Verification screen, select your place of birth and indicate if your proof of address matches the address registered in your INE (Mexico users only).

  7. Click on the Next button.

  8. On the Other Information screen, select your occupation and indicate if your RFC is correct. If it is not, you can correct it and if you do not remember it or do not have it on hand to confirm, select the option I do not have the RFC available.

  9. Accept Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice.

  10. Click on the Next button.

  11. Then you must continue the KYC verification process through your cell phone, for this you must indicate the way to continue, select Scan a QR code or Receive an email.

  12. Once you have selected the way to continue, the process will continue through your cell phone and you will be asked to Allow access to the camera.

  13. Allows access to the camera.

  14. Select a document for verification.

  15. Next you will need to take a picture of the front of your ID.

  16. The next step is to take a picture of the back of your identification.

  17. Once this stage has been completed, the next step is to take a selfie video, following the instructions asked of you.

  18. Finally when you have taken the selfie video, the app will ask you to go back to the desktop.

  19. Once you return to your account within the TruBit Pro website, a Submitted Successfully message screen will be displayed.

App Version

  1. Go to the TruBit Pro App and log in with your account.

  2. Tap the User Center icon.

  3. Tap the ID Verification option.

  4. Tap the Verify button.

  5. Select the country of identification document (For this example we will select Mexico)

  6. Tap the Confirm button to View Functions.

  7. Next, the level 1 characteristics are displayed, press the Start Level 1 Verification button.

  8. The screen will then be displayed where the KYC requirements that we are going to verify are indicated, press the Next button to continue.

  9. Next, on the Address screen, you must indicate your place of birth and provide your current address.

  10. Press the Next button.

  11. The next step then is to verify your identity. Press the Start button.

  12. Select the official document you want to identify yourself with.

  13. Next you will need to take a picture of the front of your ID.

  14. The next step is to take a picture of the back of your ID.

  15. Once this stage has been completed, the next step is to take a selfie video, follow the instructions provided.

  16. Once the selfie video is captured, tap the Done button.

  17. Finally, the App will notify you of the revision time, press the Done button.

If you have questions regarding this information, please contact the TruBit Team via our chat channel or email us Here and we'll be in touch!

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